BrookSniper is the official Brook Gaming app for one of its flagship products: the Brook Sniper. Thanks to this app, you can easily configure this device, which makes it possible to play on consoles such as Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Xbox One using your PC's keyboard and mouse. It's important to note that with this app (and the Brook Sniper device), you won't be able to play on either PlayStation 5 or Xbox X/S Series.
Wait a few seconds to configure the Bluetooth
In order to use BrookSniper, you'll first need to have an official Brook Gaming device to connect to the app. If you already have it, you'll also need a keyboard and mouse, and you'll need to enable Bluetooth on your Android device. After a few seconds, the app will recognize your devices, after which you can easily configure them. This app has several presets ready for you to use in some games, but you can also customize them as you wish.
Create your account in 10 seconds
To be able to save all the presets you create for your games, it's best to create a user account. You'll be able to use the app as a guest, but it's best to create a profile, as this process takes very little time and is very easy. All you have to do is enter an email address and a password. As soon as you verify your email address, you'll be able to start using your account.
Play on consoles with your keyboard and mouse
Download BrookSniper's APK if you have a Brook Sniper device at home and want to configure it to play any console title with a keyboard and mouse. Please note, however, that as mentioned above, this device only allows you to configure Bluetooth devices on the following consoles: Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
Open the app brook sniper